Himachal Pradesh land Revenue Act, 1954
Definitions (Section4), Revenue Officers, their Classes and Powers (Sections 7-13)
Appeal, Review and Revision (Sections 14-17)
Record of Rights and Periodical Record and the Procedure for making of Records (Sections 32-41)
Presumptions in favour of Revenue entries (Section 45)
Collection of Land Revenue: Security of Payment of Land Revenue (section 68-73), Process for
Recovery of Arrears of Land Revenue (Sections 74-81).
Partition: Concept, Procedure for Effecting Partition (Sections 123-135). Application for Partition,
Restrictions and Limitation on Partition, Disallowance of Partition, Procedure on admission for
partition, Disposal of questions as to title in the property and other questions. Delivery of possession
of property allotted on partition and customary partition.
The Himachal Pradesh Ceiling on Land Holdings Act, 1972
Ceiling on Land Holdings (Section 4-12). Permissible Area, Exemptions, Ceiling on Land, Selection
of permissible area, Vesting of Surplus Area in the State Government, Powers of the State
Government to take possession of the surplus area. Disposal of Surplus Area (Section 15). Appeal,
Review and Revision.
The Himachal Pradesh Urban Rent Control Act, 1987
Determination of Standard Rent (Sections 4-10)
Grounds for Eviction of tenants (Sections 14-16)
Recovery of Possession in case of tenancies for limited period (Section 17)
Appeal, Review and Revision (Section 24-29)
Books Recommended:
1. O.P. Aggarwala, Punjab Land Revenue Act
2. J.N. Barowalia, Commentary on the H.P. Land Revenue Act, 1954.
3. Bare Acts of relevant Statutes.